Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Brain Saga. Part 1.

Just a short little note before I go take care of my kids.

So I've been having head pain for about 10 months now. Since last November. Its not really a "head ache." Its head pain. Only when I cough, sneeze or bend over. It hurts like hell for like 4 seconds. Then over the course of 20 seconds it goes away. It makes me want to die. Its that bad. To compare it to something, its more like brain freeze than a head ache type pain. I've evolved my entire life around whatever this shit is. I don't sneeze anymore. I can't cough like a normal person, my coughs sound like something a librarian who's 159 years old would do.
Have I gone to the doctor? yes. 4 times. that $80 in copays. And an allergist= $40x2= $80 copays. Plus the eye doctor= $15 copay. Plus prescriptions= about $20. So we're talking over the past 8 moths or so, I've spent almost $200 on this stupid head thing. Not to mention the $40 I owe for the head x-ray I got. (which is actually pretty cool, if I could figure out a way to hang it up in my room, I would.) I've been told twice that its a sinus infection. I've never heard of a sinus infection doing all this and lasting this long. My primary doctors finally said they didn't know what was going on (last week) and are sending me to a neruologist on Monday. I'm kind of excited...kind of that same excitement I had when I found out I was getting a cranial x-ray. But I'm also a little scared. My 18th birthday was spend on bed rest because I had an ovarian cyst and an ovary removed. My 21st birthday is on Wednesday. And I don't want to spend it in the hospital or on bed rest, like my 18th. I also am afraid of what they might find. Worst case scenario for me, its a tumor. I lose my hair and my ability to have children. Two of the worst things that could happen to me. Another worst case scenario, they don't find out whats wrong. I'm a little stressed about it.

I'm off to go baby sit. Maybe I'll write more when they nap.
Please press my adds, by the way. I need money. Who doesn't? :)


  1. you'll be fine baby. someone will figure it out and maybe make a House episode about it!

  2. ............... um, still waiting to find out what it was!

  3. yeah me too. posting new blog now.
