-School is over. Passed A&P. Hallelujah. Start OT classes again in January. Off school until then. 8 month summer/fall/winter break. Leigh Ann Woodworth, OTA....May 2012. Awesome. Just in time for the "Apocalypse."
-Cruise in December. Christmas to be exact. Happy Birthday Jesus, in the Bahamas. Stoked. Old enough to Gamble. and drink. ...woot.
-Josh. Still amazing. Still wonderful. Nothings changed. :)
-Job. Daycare. Sadly. Underpaid. Working as 2 people. Not fair. Kids are still sweet though.
-Possibly moving out. With Katie in her old house. Paying rent, and lots of bills. Being a grown up. Shit.
The rant is just basically about how I just don't get paid enough. Everyone says it, but I truely mean it. I have to do lesson plans, What We Did Todays, art work, worksheets, story time, circle time, maintain overall peace throughout the day, keep the kids from killing eachother, and I actually have to teach them something. ...I can't do it. It makes me feel incompetent, when in all reality, I'm not the incompetent one.
I'm done being mean.
It started raining, that means its...bedtime?
...I don't know, maybe Mother Nature is like "Yo, girl, we got things to do...ya know? Over in Dreamland?!"
I'm so tired I'm just typing nonsense now.