So I've talked about her before, and now more of the drama. The drama never ends. Part of me, the super girly-still in high school mode, part of me loves to hear all of this. But this has gone far enough. No, writing a blog about it will not solve the situation, however....its my outlet. so if you don't like it, leave me alone.
My aforementioned idiot of a friend has pushed herself off the deep end of the crazy-mofo pool. To sum it up, she does not have children because she's a self centered nincompoop who wants nothing more than to party and be irresponsible.
I understand you were pregnant at 16 and lost your childhood. But that was your decision...don't take it out on your children.
Anyways, she's completely lost her ever loving mind. She basically doesn't want to do what she needs to do to give her children the things they want and need and thinks that someone else, her own mother, can do that. and yes, her mother is more than capable of being a wonderful mother and I know that those kids are in amazing hands...but. She's all ready raised her children (and in fact is still raising some.) so why should she have to raise yours too? Why can't you grow up and do whats best for your kids? We all know the only reason you took any classes at all was so that you'd have health insurance because you are a hypochondriac and freak out about the stupidest crap. So college obviously wasn't what you wanted. You've had 500 waitressing jobs at various bars and restaurants. You colored your hair blonde so that you'd be able to get a waitressing job...pathetic. Then you get it...and you "get sick" or "go on vacation" for MONTHS at a time. Then when you're ready to go back you wonder why they won't give you any hours. You stupid turtle (not my original choice of word), you basically quit your job.
You are being reckless. And yes, for any other 21 year old, this is semi-acceptable. However, you are a mother of 2. Grow a pair. Man up. Grow up. Raise your own damn kids and stop relying on everyone else to do everything for you. You've had it way too easy. I hope its not that easy when I have kids. Whats parenting without struggle? Without suffering? Without sacrifice? Thats what its really about. Seeing just how much you love these little munchkins, then seeing them love you in return. (its more than that, but for the time being, we'll stick with this one).
Ashley, I never want to talk to you again. I never want to be your friend ever again. You are a selfish coward. You've been given everything, everything you could possibly want or need...and yet you still take it all for granted. I hope you see them suffering. I hope you feel it too. I hope it eats you away until you realized how fudging ridiculous you're being. I don't want to speak to you, so I hope you read this blog. I hope it hurts. I hope your friends see this. I hope you know one day how I really feel. I'd tell you in person, but I'd be afraid of the repercussion of that conversation and what may follow.
Have fun being 21. Have fun. Because while you're out there living it up and drinking and doing God knows what else, your children...YOUR children are needing you. Congrats. Mom of the year.
So, I'm thinking about taking sign language classes in the fall. Sounds fun, no?
Sorry for any offensive language.
Peaceout cub scout.